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Part 5: Hell from Above

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God will allow the Devil to promote the Supreme Leader of the World Federation and set up a system that is extremely hostile to Christianity, but then the Lord will begin to mete out devastating judgments upon the earth and its rebellious inhabitants.

Christians have not been raptured as of yet and they continue to live unmolested in the wilderness areas of the earth. The Great Catching Way will take place, but God’s people remain on the planet for the time being.

The World Federation at this time is in great shape. The economy is booming, destroyed cities from previous wars have been rebuilt, people have enough money live lavishly and embrace debauchery.

When the first judgment strikes, it catches everyone by surprise. An earthquake in Jerusalem is the opening salvo for the coming hell predicted in the Book of Revelation. In the pandemonium that follows, the Supreme Leader holds a press conference to allay everyone’s fears, but secretly he knows the earthquake was the work of God.

A trumpet sounds in heaven and soon thereafter fire falls from the sky and forests around the world are engulfed in a massive inferno. When the fires die down, one third of the trees are gone. As the Supreme Leader and the Pastor scan satellite pictures, they begin to curse when they see the wilderness areas housing the Christians were unaffected.

Then an object from space crashes into the ocean, causing one third of the waters to turn into blood. All marine life in the affected areas dies, and incredibly, even ships in these areas are destroyed as well.

Not long after these disasters, some kind of a huge covering from outer space obscures part of the earth’s upper atmosphere and sunlight is reduced by 33%. All talk about global warming quickly ends as large parts of the earth start to freeze, with lakes and rivers frozen solid.

The Supreme Leader and the Pastor have a private meeting to discuss the downfall of the World Federation, the apparent absence of Lucifer, and how God continues to unleash His fury upon the earth.

The people are bewildered and it seems futile to fight against someone so powerful, yet the Luciferian leadership decides to sacrifice every man, woman, and child in their vain attempt at resistance. The Supreme Leader orders the military to take control of the streets and kill anyone questioning that Lucifer is god. No criticism of the régime will be tolerated.

Then comes a blow that again affects the world’s population when flying scorpions begin stinging all people who don’t have the seal of God in their forehead. The pain is so unbearable that people try to commit suicide but God won’t allow them to die.

By now all the people of the World Federation realize the good times are over as nothing seems to work. One morning they wake up in horror to see a 200-million-man army approaching Jerusalem.

The fighting kills 33% of the population that survived the previous judgments, and when the war is over, the bars, casinos, and whorehouses open up again as people go back to their sinful way of living. There is no repentance or understanding that they are under God’s judgment.

Meanwhile, the Christians in the wilderness areas are completely unaffected by these catastrophic events and eagerly await the final destruction of the World Federation and the second coming of Jesus.

Unless Christians living before the coming of the Antichrist understand the Book of Revelation, they too will have to experience these horrible days on earth. The sermons in this series are not uplifting, they are a warning of future events which will affect your eternal destiny.

Print out the sermon outline and let’s examine the Scriptures together Sunday morning at 9:00 AM PST.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor John S. Torell